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Arbeit :: Detailansicht

Name:MSCEF Royce Kin Chung To
Name:Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Biol. Dr.rer.nat. Klaus Hackländer
Typ der Arbeit:Masterarbeit
Sprache der Arbeit:Englisch
Titel der Arbeit in Originalsprache:The Current Status of Lagomorphs in Asia
Titel der Arbeit in deutsch:The Current Status of Lagomorphs in Asia
Titel der Arbeit in englisch:The Current Status of Lagomorphs in Asia
Online-Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Bodenkultur
Abstract in Deutsch:1) The current status of Lagomorphs was unclear after the first published report by IUCN/SSC Lagomorph Specialist Group in 1990. Based on the current standard taxonomy, I reviewed 46 species that were reportedly presented in Asia.
2) All information was gathered from literatures in Chinese and in English from the 1990s'. The collected information was summarized into categories of distribution, habitat, life history and threats. In addition, the endangered status of each species was assigned based on the latest IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (version 3.1).
3) Of the total 46 species, 14 species were evaluated as threatened species (i.e. Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable), nine species with insufficient information (i.e. DD) and 22 non-Threatened species (i.e. LC). Due to the recent reconstruction of taxonomy, Cape hare (Lepus capensis) is no longer an Asian species but distributed restrictedly in Africa.
4) Apart from discussing the current status of individual species, I extended the discussion in order to account for the current knowledge and opportunities of Asian Lagomorphs studies. This includes the overall studied locations, types of common threats, challenges of Asian Lagomorphs studies and suggestions for future research.

Abstract in Englisch:1) The current status of Lagomorphs was unclear after the first published report by IUCN/SSC Lagomorph Specialist Group in 1990. Based on the current standard taxonomy, I reviewed 46 species that were reportedly presented in Asia.
2) All information was gathered from literatures in Chinese and in English from the 1990s'. The collected information was summarized into categories of distribution, habitat, life history and threats. In addition, the endangered status of each species was assigned based on the latest IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (version 3.1).
3) Of the total 46 species, 14 species were evaluated as threatened species (i.e. Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable), nine species with insufficient information (i.e. DD) and 22 non-Threatened species (i.e. LC). Due to the recent reconstruction of taxonomy, Cape hare (Lepus capensis) is no longer an Asian species but distributed restrictedly in Africa.
4) Apart from discussing the current status of individual species, I extended the discussion in order to account for the current knowledge and opportunities of Asian Lagomorphs studies. This includes the overall studied locations, types of common threats, challenges of Asian Lagomorphs studies and suggestions for future research.

Schlagwörter Deutsch:Lagomorpha, Asien, Verbreitung, Artenschutz, Rote Liste, IUCN
Schlagwörter Englisch:Lagomorphs, Asia, Distribution, Animal Conservation, Red List, IUCN
Organisationseinheit, auf der die Arbeit eingereicht wird:H83200 Institut für Wildbiologie und Jagdwirtschaft (IWJ)

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